Updated on 10.10.2022.

Our company stores and processes personal data as required by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The content of this Privacy Policy may be changed by publishing a new version on our website. Therefore
we recommend that you visit our Privacy Policy regularly.

Data controller:
Karu Films Oy Ltd.
Yliopistonkatu 58 B
33100 Tampere, Finland
Business ID: FI26215122

Contact person responsible for the data file:
Lauri Kuusela
040 832 1198

Name of data file:

Online service user register

Legal basis and purpose of the processing of personal data

The storage of information in the register is based either on a contractual relationship with our company, consent from the individual to the storage of information, or our company’s legitimate interest in collecting information for our business needs.

We collect and store information about prospective new customers based on customer relationships or in connection with our business. We collect information from new potential customers on a business basis and collect the information ourselves.

Purpose of the use of personal data

Personal data is processed with the consent of the data subject or on the basis of a commercial relationship or other material connection between the company and the customer.

Personal data is used for the following purposes:

  • Maintaining a customer relationship
  • Communication
  • Analysis and statistics
  • Administration
  • Marketing
  • Customer service

We operate as a legitimate business, so we also comply with EU legislation on the storage of personal data:

The information we hold about you is lawful, reasonable and transparent in relation to the processing. This means that you can access your data at any time.

The data is purpose-bound – for example, the information we collect about individuals is limited to a specific purpose. We will not disclose your data to third parties unless there is a valid reason to do so.

We minimize the information we store – we only store what we need.
We aim to keep all of our data accurate.

We limit data storage- we only retain data for as long as necessary to fulfil the specified purpose in accordance with the applicable legislation.

We store intact and reliable data, for example, secured by backups.

Contents of the data file

We retain and process the following purposeful personal data about the data subject:

  • First and last name
  • Company name
  • Contact information (address, phone number, email address)

Information about the data subject is obtained, as a general rule, by:

  • email
  • phone
  • contact form
  • as entered by the data file processor

In addition – for business purposes – for example, when acquiring new customers, we may use names picked up from the media we may contact for business purposes.

Regular disclosures and transfers of data

The data may be disclosed to our partners at the discretion of the controller, within the limits permitted and required by the applicable legislation, unless the data subject has refused the disclosure. Disclosure of data to partners will only take place for objectives that support the purpose of the register.

Transfers of data outside the EU or EEA

The information will not be disclosed to parties operating outside the territory of the Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area.

The data is not primarily transferred outside the EU or the EEA. Data is disclosed to services operating outside the territory of the Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area only for system technical reasons. The transfer of data is in compliance with the requirements of personal data legislation and we share data with these services in accordance with the principle of data minimization and risk reduction.

Principles for the protection of the data file

The manually maintained data relating to the register is located in premises that are not accessible to unauthorized persons. Data stored and processed digitally is kept in a file protected by technical means. Access to the file is restricted to persons who, by virtue of their duties, have a need to access the data.

Right of access and inspection

Individuals have the right and opportunity to view their own data in the register. To use their right of access, individuals should send a signed request to the person responsible for the register at the address above. The data subject has the right to request that inaccurate personal data concerning them be corrected, supplemented or deleted from the register; if the data is inaccurate, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated in relation to the purpose of the processing of personal data (Personal Data Act, Section 26).

The data subject has the right to object to the use of their data for direct marketing, distance sales, personal data collection and surveys by notifying the address mentioned above (Personal Data Act, Section 30).

Cookies and privacy protection

Cookies are used on the Karu Films website. Anonymous cookie information is collected every time you visit our site. You can opt out of the collection of non-functional cookies by visiting the cookie notice on the site.

We collect anonymous and non-personalized data through the tools listed below:

  • Adobe
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Vimeo